It’s estimated that a meager 5.4% of plastic shrink wrap, LLDPE plastics, and LDPE films become recycled stretch wrap. Needless to say, we can all do better. And doing better offers real incentives for companies, including the potential to gain new customers, reduce waste-related costs, and increase profits.
At AAA Polymer, we are your resident stretch film recycling experts. Over the years, we’ve worked with several companies to help them improve their recycled stretch wrap program. We’ve compiled a few of the top tips and best practices used by some of the most efficient and effective companies who recycle stretch film. Continue reading to learn how to get the most from a recycled stretch wrap program.
Education Is Critical
When it comes to improving any stretch wrap recycling program, your employees are your first line of defense. It should go without saying it’s imperative you educate them on the specifics of the recycled stretch wrap program. At the roll out, make sure you host a full educational session explaining the whys, benefits, and program targets.
You can then include a segment on stretch film recycling in the new employee orientation. If you have any meetings at a regular cadence, make sure to mention the importance of stretch film recycling and what it means to the company as well as the local community.
You can also place flyers, fact sheets, and other easy-to-read documents throughout the warehouse to remind employees on the importance of the recycled stretch film program and what’s at stake. Simply put, your employees are a vital link in your stretch film recycling success; and the more you invest in them, the better the results will be.
Close the Loop and Buy Recycled Products
One way to supercharge your recycled stretch wrap program and demonstrate your commitment to the initiative is to purchase recycled products, such as PCR can liners. In addition to showing your employees the importance of recycling, you will further reduce the need to use fossil fuels to create virgin materials.
It’s simple, supporting recycling means much more than recycling — it means closing the loop on your recycling efforts by purchasing recycled products. If you manufacture products, closing the loop could also mean implementing PCR resins into your products.
Measure & Report Your Recycled Stretch Wrap
You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve come from. And nothing is truer when it comes to optimizing any recycled stretch wrap program. It’s important to continually monitor and report progress of hitting any recycled stretch wrap goals. You can even convert the figure into statistics that matter to your workforce like:
You should conduct regular audits to identify any opportunities to divert even more stretch wrap from local landfills. Above all, make sure you post your goals and results near the collection site to encourage your team to continue doing their best. Keep in mind your people will be more inclined to participate in the program if they realize their efforts are driving real change.
Make Stretch Film Recycling Fun & Rewarding
Whether it’s a friendly departmental competition or a pizza party for hitting targets, offering your employees an incentive to make the recycled stretch wrap program a success is a good idea. And when it comes to developing an incentive, the possibilities are endless.
Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something your employees would actually enjoy. Many of the largest companies in the United States have already implemented difference recycling program incentives. While your initiative doesn't have to be elaborate, make sure it's meaningful to your employees.
Partner with AAA Polymer to Supercharge Your Recycled Stretch Wrap Program
Your stretch wrap recycling program is only as good as the partner you use! While there may be several companies who may offer you the ability to pick up your plastic stretch film, this is the bare minimum. Instead, it’s best to partner with a company like AAA Polymer who specializes in all things plastic.
From the beginning, we’ll visit your site and conduct an in-depth needs analysis. This allows us to understand your plastic stretch film generation and will help set your program up for success. Once we have conducted a needs analysis, we will review the results with you and make expert suggestions on how you should start the program. Best of all, we’ll be with you every step of the way offering solutions and proactively keeping you up to date on relevant industry matters.
Contact AAA Polymer today.